The Challenge of Stopping at One Drink: Understanding the Science and Strategy at Passages Malibu

The Challenge of Stopping at One Drink: Understanding the Science and Strategy at Passages Malibu

“Why can’t I stop at just one drink?” It’s a question many people ask themselves after a night that didn’t go as planned.


At Passages Malibu, where we have pioneered non-12-step addiction treatments since 2001, we understand that the answer is often more complex than it seems.

This article explores the scientific reasons behind the difficulty of stopping after one drink and how our unique approach can help.

The Science Behind the Struggle

Alcohol affects the brain’s reward system by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and satisfaction. When you drink, especially if it’s that first satisfying drink, your brain is flooded with dopamine, making you feel good momentarily. This release can create a cycle where your brain starts to associate alcohol with pleasure, making moderation difficult.

Genetic and Psychological Factors

Research indicates that genetic factors might make certain individuals more susceptible to alcohol dependence. For those with a predisposition, the effect of alcohol on the brain’s reward system is significantly more pronounced, making it harder to stop after the first drink.

Moreover, psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, or underlying emotional issues can lead to using alcohol as a coping mechanism, further complicating the ability to moderate drinking habits.

Passages Malibu’s Non-12-Step Approach

Unlike traditional programs emphasizing powerlessness, Passages Malibu focuses on empowerment and personal responsibility. Our non-12-step philosophy supports clients in understanding and addressing the underlying reasons for their alcohol use, which can be vital to developing healthier drinking habits.

Customized Treatment Plans

We believe each individual’s path to recovery is unique. Therefore, we offer tailored treatment plans that include:

  • Psychotherapy: To explore personal triggers and develop coping strategies.
  • Physical Health: Nutrition and fitness plans to strengthen the body and mind.
  • Holistic Practices: Techniques such as meditation and yoga can help manage stress and emotions without alcohol.

Why You Might Struggle to Stop at One Drink

Understanding why stopping at one drink is tough can be the first step toward change. Here are some thought-provoking questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do I drink to feel happy? Reflecting on whether you use alcohol to enhance your mood can reveal its role as a coping mechanism in your life.
  2. Am I drinking out of habit? Consider whether your drinking is more of a routine or social habit than a conscious choice.
  3. What am I avoiding? Sometimes, we use alcohol to avoid dealing with stress, anxiety, or other underlying issues.

Taking the First Step

Realizing why stopping at one drink is challenging can lead to a deeper understanding of your relationship with alcohol. At Passages Malibu, we are dedicated to helping individuals explore these questions within a supportive, personalized framework.

If you recognize yourself in this struggle, remember that it’s not just about willpower; it’s about understanding the deeper reasons behind your drinking patterns.

Visit our website to learn how we can help you regain control and start a new chapter in your life.

Written by Jennifer McDougall



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