Why Do People Say Hurtful Things When They Drink Alcohol?
Alcohol is a common social lubricant that can help people relax and have fun in social situations.
However, for some individuals, drinking alcohol can lead to saying hurtful things to others. This behavior can be damaging to relationships and cause lasting emotional harm. At Passages Malibu, we understand the impact of alcohol on relationships and offer non-12-step treatment programs to help individuals overcome addiction and repair relationships.
Here are some reasons why people say hurtful things when they drink alcohol:
Impaired Judgment
Alcohol can impair judgment and decision-making skills, leading individuals to say things they wouldn’t usually say when sober. In addition, this impairment can cause individuals to be more impulsive and less inhibited, leading to hurtful comments and actions.
Anger Issues
Alcohol can act as a depressant that amplifies underlying anger issues. This can lead to verbal and physical abuse outbursts, which are often difficult to repair after the alcohol is metabolized.
Depression & Anxiety
Alcohol consumption may also worsen depression and anxiety, leading individuals to lash out at those around them. This could lead to hurtful words or behaviors that are out of character for the individual, especially when sober.
Some individuals may use alcohol to self-medicate their mental health issues. However, this often leads to increased depression and anxiety after consuming the alcohol, resulting in more hurtful behavior.
Lowered Inhibitions
Alcohol can lower inhibitions, causing individuals to say things they usually keep to themselves. This can include hurtful comments about others’ appearance, behaviors, or personal issues.
Increased Emotions
Alcohol can increase emotions, leading individuals to become more sensitive and reactive to things others say. This can cause individuals to lash out and say hurtful things in response to perceived slights or criticisms.
Underlying Issues
Sometimes, individuals may have underlying emotional issues or past traumas that alcohol can exacerbate. These issues can lead to individuals saying hurtful things to cope with their emotions.
At Passages Malibu, we offer a holistic approach to addiction treatment that addresses not only the addiction but also any underlying emotional or psychological issues that may be contributing to the addiction. We believe that by identifying and addressing these issues, we can help individuals overcome addiction and repair relationships.
Here are some ways that Passages Malibu can help individuals overcome addiction and repair relationships:
Individualized Treatment Plans
At Passages Malibu, we believe everyone is unique and requires individualized treatment. Therefore, we develop customized treatment plans that address each individual’s specific needs, including any underlying emotional or psychological issues.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is a vital component of addiction treatment at Passages Malibu. Our therapists work with family members to help them understand addiction and how it impacts relationships. We believe that by providing education and support to family members, we can help break down barriers and promote open and honest communication.
Healing and Rebuilding Relationships
At Passages Malibu, we believe that healing and rebuilding relationships are essential to recovery. Therefore, our therapists work with individuals and family members to help them identify and work through any issues impacting their relationships.
Aftercare Support
The recovery process doesn’t end when treatment is over. At Passages Malibu, we provide aftercare support to help individuals maintain sobriety and continue to repair relationships. In addition, we offer resources and support groups to help individuals and family members continue to heal and rebuild their relationships.
Alcohol can cause individuals to say hurtful things, damaging relationships and causing emotional harm. However, it’s possible to overcome addiction and repair relationships with the proper support and guidance. At Passages Malibu, we offer a holistic approach to addiction treatment that addresses not only the addiction but also any underlying emotional or psychological issues that may be contributing to the addiction.
Contact us today to learn more about our addiction treatment programs and how we can help you repair relationships and overcome addiction.